As we finish packing our suitcases and mark off our final "to-do" lists, I have to pause for a moment for some thank-yous. First of all, God has been so good to us throughout the planning of this trip; even when things happened we didn't plan for, he was there, guiding us. In fact, last night I was driving home, stressing, and I looked out in front of my car, and there was a rainbow. It was only there for a short while, but I knew God was saying, "Hey I'm still here, and in control."
We'd also like to thank our church, Grace Bible Church, and all of our family and friends who have partnered with us through prayer and finances, and have shown an interest in this trip. Our team would not be going without your support.
We're so excited all of our planning is coming to fruition, and can't wait to see how God will use us, as we try to help and encourage.
I'll be keeping this blog updated daily throughout the trip. ☺️