Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 6 - Thursday

This morning little Denisa (there are two) came for breakfast and stayed part of the morning because her school was having repairs. She wanted me to fix her hair like mine. 
Denisa and I also made a coffee cake together. She was so good with the mixer. 

The guys helped Lucce (Pastor's son)stretch out the wire for the fence, lying it in the street and then cutting it in specific lengths. They also tied together rebar, preparing to pour concrete tomorrow.
I gave some of our gifts to the girls who were hanging around the house. Their eyes got big and said "wow!" when they saw their pretty hair clips. 
Alexandra and some of the gifts.

Melissa and I noticed a horse and cart getting water from the artesian well nearby. It's amazing how much we can talk to people using hand gestures. 
Petre (Peter) told us his horse bites. (His wife is in charge of cleaning the church.) It was another hot day, and he splashed water on his horse to cool it down. We understood that he wanted to take us on a cart ride around the village in the evening when it was cool.

This other man drove by, and Petre told him to stop for the Americans to take photos. :-) 

While we were out, this dear little old woman started talking to us in Romanian. We just laughed and tried to tell her we didn't understand. She started motioning us to her yard, so we followed her. The people here may be poor, but they take such good care of their houses and yards. Hers was so picturesque! I took photos with my other camera. She picked us cherries and a lovely bouquet of roses. We could understand that she said she works in her garden (which was huge) 7 days a week. She has a grandchild in another village, and she visited America many years ago. She was so precious! She also said Jesus provides for her. She hugged and kissed us several times. We decided we wanted to take her home with us. :-)

Sally took us girls on a drive through the village ( there are around 1500 people here ). We saw the Gypsy part of town, the dump, and went in the store.  (Again, more photos on my other camera.)

Kids Klub was this afternoon, open to all the village children. We sang songs, and then Melissa delivered a message. After, the kids played with the parachute. 

It was fun to hear their screams of delight! 
My little sweetie, Bianca. She's only been at the orphanage for 2 months. She was living all on her own for 8 months (she's 12) begging for food. It's incredible how well she's doing now! 

The teen group then arrived and we had volleyball, singing, and another great lesson dealing with rejection, and how the world may reject us, but God never does; he calls us to himself. These kids' voices are beautiful when they sing!! 

Soon it was time for our wagon ride! Of course I was excited! Petre came, along with his sweet daughter Cami. She is such a joy! We all piled in the wagon and Petre took us out through the village and into the countryside. Agh! It's simply gorgeous here!

As we were headed back through town back to Sally's, this drunk man came running, chasing after us and shouting angrily! Petre told the horse to go faster and we outran him. It was quite the laugh. Sadly, alcohol/drunkenness is quite prevalent here. 

We also stopped at this well. It's over 80 years old and is still used. Petre showed how you lower the bucket to bring up water from down deep.
(Melissa and Cami)

In the morning we're going to a city an hour away for a doctor appointment for older Denisa who had eye surgery recently. Many of the orphans have glasses due to poor nutrition when they were young.

Buna seara! (Good evening)

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